Monday, August 11, 2014

Baby reading...

Baby Reading

Okay so this is my story. My first whom is now age 6 I gave birth to him when I was 35.5.

My husband and I were trying for 8 months and we couldn't understand why we were not conceiving. I was obsessed and thought maybe I was infertile, had fibroids or something (I have very heavy long periods - turns out I do have fibroids by the way).

So long story short I went along to a medium in the January 2006 from a different town so no chance of her knowing who I was. First thing she told me was about the loss of my mum, named her exactly and described how she died and that I was still young (aged 23). Then the next moment she said your mother has a message for you "don't be silly girl you are not infertile you are not timing it right" - which I thought was weird, we were doing the DB differently each month we tried like every day, then every other day then every 3rd day just to see and it did not happen.

Then the psychic said your mum is saying 4 and 14 and I asked what that meant and all the message came through was 4 and 14. So we figured that must relate to cycle so April cycle and cycle day 14. So what happens next. We still try for a babe and still nothing.

Come my April cycle we abstained and only had sex once on CD14.

BAM - pregnant!

How spooky is that. Our story hit a national magazine.

Even more weird, the 14th day of my cycle was a Saturday and I was booked long before to be on a course an hour away but long day. So that morning my husband went off to work since I was away for the weekend but travelling back that night to do the deed knowing that was our date. I go to the garage get my car and literally 200 yards up the road I was thinking oh blimey I'm going to be so so tired after this course that I hoped to have the energy to get down to business. Well my tyre blew, literally. I only had a saver tyre so couldn't travel with that. Rang garages and they couldn't fit me in until the afternoon. I cancelled and rebooked the course and had to wait patiently for my hubby to come home - he only forgot to take his phone and he works as a window cleaner so all over the place.

I sat on my bench out the front reading a book this was about lunchtime and I started seeing stars like twinkles. You know if you move your head quickly and see twinkles just like that. This cloud of twinkles I saw floated around my head travelled down the front of my body and went into my pelvis area. My immediate thought was OMG I must have just ovulated. Soon as hubby through the door I pounced. 

Then out pops Harvey! 

I still have copies of the magazine stored away for us and Harvey for when he's older as a memory keepsake.

Others might find this weird but it happened and thank goodness I went along for my reading.

Open your third eye NOW...

Open the Third Eye

Clairvoyance meditation is key if you want to open the third eye.  I love teaching people this technique because they are always surprised at how easy it is.  If you have about 10 minutes, you can try it right now.  It's that easy!

The main factor in this exercise is visualization.
If you're a visual person (meaning when I say imagine a tree, you can see a tree in your mind), this psychic development exercise will help strengthen that ability.
If you struggle with seeing things in your mind's eye, following these steps will help.  Please don't get discouraged if you don't have a great experience the first time you use this meditation.  If you aren't not good at visualizing, it will take a little bit of practice and patience.


Supermoon: The August fullmoon is  when the moon is closest to the erath on its elliptical path and appears about 14 percent wider and 30 percent brighter than at its farthest. The moon will be at a distance of 356,896 km from Earth, the closest in this calendar year.
Anyone sew the beautiful moon last night? Well, I absolutely love walk out side and look to the full moon, make a deep breath and Thank God for all and everything...Same times, I make sure to be add lots of good thoughts...make beautiful wishes, and send lots of love to all, and everyone.
For the one's who want release all pain inside the heart here is a great tip:

*Full moon night, seat with our eyes open directly to the moon and take 3 deep breath, than think about all those hurts inside of you and said: TAKE ALL THAT WAY,  same time breath deeply and release all with 3 more deep breathing... After just thank the moon energy to make everyone around you feel the pure energy love around you.
*Make wishes
*Wish good things to others(remember, whatever you wish to other come back to you 7 times stronger to you.)

Than THANK to the universe for all wishes coming true(Because, you will see coming...)

Lots of Blessings....
